go shopping为什么不加to(英语学习常用动词不定式用法总结)


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发表于 2023-11-18 11:37:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
无论你是刚刚接触go shopping为什么不加to,还是已经十分熟悉,这篇文章都将为你提供一些新的见解和思路,希望你能从中受益。


  • Why don't we use "to" after "go shopping"?
  • What is the reason for not adding "to" after "go shopping"?
  • How come "go shopping" doesn't require "to"?
  • Is there a grammatical explanation for not using "to" with "go shopping"?

Why don't we use "to" after "go shopping"?

When we talk about going shopping, we don't use "to" after it because "go shopping" is a phrasal verb, which means it is a verb that consists of two or more words. In this case, "go" and "shopping" are two separate words that combine to create a new meaning.

Phrasal verbs are common in English and often have a different meaning than the individual words would suggest. For example, "turn off" means to stop something from working, while "turn" and "off" on their own have different meanings.

When we use "go shopping," we are referring to the activity of going to a store or mall to buy things. It's important to note that we don't use "to" after "go shopping" because "to" is a preposition that is used to indicate direction or destination. In this case, we are not going to a specific destination, but rather engaging in an activity.

It's worth noting that there are other phrasal verbs that also don't use "to" after them, such as "go swimming," "go hiking," and "go jogging." These verbs all refer to activities rather than destinations.

In conclusion, when we use "go shopping," we don't use "to" after it because it is a phrasal verb that refers to an activity rather than a destination. This is just one example of the many phrasal verbs in English that have unique meanings and usage.

What is the reason for not adding "to" after "go shopping"?

The reason for not adding "to" after "go shopping" is that "go shopping" is already a phrasal verb which means to go out and buy things. In English, there are many phrasal verbs that consist of a verb and a preposition, and the combination of the two creates a new meaning that is different from the individual meanings of the words. For example, "look after" means to take care of, and "put up with" means to tolerate.

When it comes to "go shopping," the verb "go" is combined with the noun "shopping" to create a new meaning. The preposition "to" is not needed because "go shopping" is already a complete phrase that conveys the intended meaning. Adding "to" after "go shopping" would be redundant and unnecessary.

It is important to note that phrasal verbs can be difficult to learn and understand for non-native English speakers. It is helpful to study and practice using phrasal verbs in context to improve comprehension and fluency. Additionally, there are many resources available online and in textbooks that provide lists of common phrasal verbs and their meanings.

How come "go shopping" doesn't require "to"?

The reason why "go shopping" doesn't require "to" is because "go shopping" is an idiomatic expression in English. Idioms are phrases that have a different meaning than the literal meaning of the words used. In this case, "go shopping" means to go out and buy things, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you are going anywhere in particular.

There are many other idiomatic expressions in English that don't follow the usual rules of grammar. For example, "take a shower" doesn't require "a" before "shower", even though it seems like it should. Similarly, "have breakfast" doesn't require "a" before "breakfast".

Idioms can be confusing for people learning English as a second language, but they are an important part of the language. Learning idiomatic expressions can help you sound more natural when speaking English and can also help you understand English speakers better.

In conclusion, "go shopping" doesn't require "to" because it is an idiomatic expression in English. Idioms are phrases that have a different meaning than the literal meaning of the words used. Learning idiomatic expressions is an important part of learning English as a second language.

Is there a grammatical explanation for not using "to" with "go shopping"?

Yes, there is a grammatical explanation for not using "to" with "go shopping". In English, some verbs are followed by a preposition while others are not. For example, we say "I want to go to the store" because "want" is followed by the preposition "to". However, we say "I am going shopping" without the preposition "to" because "go shopping" is a phrasal verb that does not require a preposition.

This phenomenon is common in English, where phrasal verbs are used instead of single verbs with prepositions. For example, instead of saying "I am looking for my keys", we say "I am looking my keys up". Similarly, we say "I am picking up my friend from the airport" instead of "I am picking my friend from the airport".

Phrasal verbs are an important part of English grammar and are used in everyday conversation. Learning them can help improve your English fluency and make your speech sound more natural. So, the next time you go shopping, remember that you don't need to use "to" with "go shopping"!

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